Saturday 2 March 2013

TLSH My love ~

   Today's a very special day because it's my girlfriends birthday. Well we're not celebrating today we will be celebrating it on the 16 March. I'm so looking forward for that day. Going to Parkson. Yeay! Happy birthday my love TLSH, I love you so soo muchh. It's almost our 1 year anniversary. I'm so happy. Well we skyped for the whole day today. Well there was a lot of connection problem and sometimes there was a blackout which was annoying. >.<

    But I get to spend today with my girl. Oh my gosh time flies really fast when your having fun. I really enjoy my time with her everyday. <3 Btw I saw her in her pink pjs. SHE LOOKS SOO CUTEE!! AAAAAAHHHHH! XO X)) God bless you my love, I love you ~ X) <3

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