Friday 1 March 2013

Life ~

    I feel so energetic today after my mum gave me a special coffee, it taste was soo awesoommee. XO
Well today was really a lucky day, my friend played cards and I got blackjack and doubles a lot! XD My McD visit today was also amazing see me burger!!

 I was eating it like a monster because it was SO DELICIOUSS!! YUM YUM!! XD I guess business in McD getting better now. I bought this one near the Colombia Asia Hospital Petronas Station. :D

I'm gonna stay up tonight to wish my girl happy birthday ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TLSH!! I love you ~ (Even early) X) And what's awesome on this month is her birthday and we got together on the 14 March so yeah! It's going to be like our 1 year. I'm so happy. ^w^

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