Monday 11 March 2013

Ah Beng! Ah Lian! AND UCHAKS!!

 Ah the commoners in Sarawak.Ah Bengs, Ah Lians and Uchaks are known to be scumbags and low-lifes of the city. Ah Bengs are known as Gangster wannabes, Ah Lians are the girl versions of Ah Bengs, Uchaks are Hipsters, or as I call them, "Douchebag tightjeans rubbish of the street". Ah bengs and Ah Lians are usually chinese, On the other hand Uchaks are usually Bumiputera usually Ibans and Malays and other gay looking locals.  Uchaks are usually found at large Shopping Malls, big fields playing football, Cyber Cafes or at the village where they belong whileast Ah Bengs and Ah Lians are usually found at Clubbing or Pubs, Shopping malls, Cyber Cafes, Streets or even at School.

 The difference the have. Ah Bengs love their car. They love it more than they love their Ah Lians.  They also like to spend time at Cyber Cafes, playing DotA or LOL or HON or other online games, and they claim to be a great gamers (Gamers my ass, I can beat you in game in just a snap, yes I'm a legendary gamer or used to but I hadn't lost my touch). They usually use Kancils and Kenari.



Alright that's actually my L lesson car. Joking. Well mostly this would happen because they love to show off on the roads. And they even love to show off and try to look good in public. Here's a good example of an Ah Beng.


Yes they look like douchebags as well and act like one as well, though this one is a friendly Ah Beng XD. HAHAH SORRY DUDE!! But most Ah Bengs like to act tough and somehow unfriendly sometimes. And well now for the Ah Lians.

 Ah Lians are bitches for the Ah bengs and they love to go clubbing at night. Which makes them sluts. And they like to act tough and they insult and talk bad about other girls who look prettier. (COUGH GC) They like to go shopping like usual girls but they dress up in short pants and short skirt, don't know why but your not attracting anyone except for the Uchaks. They are bitches with bad attitude but they are very sweet to guys that they like. My first ex was like that, by personal experience. XD (Please don't hit me)

I would love to put a picture of an Ah Lian but there's too much Ah Lians that knows me here so yeah. They'll beat the shit out of me if I did put any of them here. Well you can find them on fb. Best example would be Angela Lau or whatever that Malay name of hers. But damn girl you be haters gonna hate.

Now for the UCHAKS!!
Uchaks are known as Low-lived hipster who love to disturb girls, cause troubles and smoke. They are usually Malay and Ibans and also those Bruneians "Malays" (I don't know what you call them). They think their very cool and they like to travel in groups. They all like to wear their sisters clothing, I don't know why maybe it's their fetish or something. They like to disturb girls. They think their handsome of course. But actually they look like SHIT!! Yes I'm not gonna cover that because it's true. Their attitude is annoying and their IQ is so low that they make an ostrich look like Einstein.They tend to look around girls and if your a girl, I advice you, don't ever wear short pants or mini skirts. This guys will creep you from a far just to see your panties. They are cowards alone but talk big in groups. Yet they are weak. They love and follow Justin Bieber and treat him as an Idol and even follow his stupid gay style, being a douchebag. They can't afford anything, they'll ask and beg for money from their parents a lot and they're lazy to work. The reason I hate bands is because Uchaks are also in bands and their songs are like shit that even Rebecca Black's Friday were pleasant to my ears when I heard Uchak songs. They live in villages and they use motors. They really hate chinese when their the racist ones. And they like to complain and talk bad about others. Most of this bunch are founded at Parkson if your in Miri. Abolish this scum.

Well I've been around and tbh Ah Bengs and Ah Lians are more friendly than Uchaks. Well I did end up in an Ah beng school. And well I had a past with Ah Lians when I was form 2 and 3 (Most of them had crush on me and I was scared but thank God they all don't now) And yeah Ah Bengs and Ah lians are better than Uchaks. :)

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