Sunday 17 February 2013

MIRAI NIKKI ( Future Diary) Review


This is Mirai Nikki one of my favourite anime. This is one of the best anime I watched but it kinda ended last year. But seriously it's one of the best anime if your into horror or shit like that. It's a story of diary holders and that the diary has superpowers that can see the future. It's actually like a battle royal but the diary holder must find another diary holder in order to replace the Deus, and do whatever shit they like as a GOD!

The Main Characters:

Yukiteru Amano aka 1st
The Protagonist. He is a loner, but his always on the cellphone typing everything that's happening around him. He is able to contact Deus. But little did he know of his fate, his diary shows the future of what others are doing and not his. His constantly stalked by this girl named Gasai Yuno who ended up being his partner. His weapon of choice oddly is a dart. Yes, a F**KING DART! You want to know why? Because normal weapons are to mainstream. He is also known as 1st, since that's his position in the whole series. But his badass at times, but at times he can be such a pussy. -3-

               I'mma stalk you like this one day puppy. :P

Gasai Yuno aka 2nd aka Yuno f**king Gasai aka Yandere Queen
Gasai Yuno is the heroin, and also somehow the antagonist of this series and the 2nd diary holder, but I tell you she's not a dame, heck if you watch this show, you wouldn't even fuck with her. Cause she's Yuno f**king Gasai. She's a Yandere, which means a girl whose very innocent but when it comes to love, she'll become a psychotic maniac to protect her loved ones, and Yuno is the Queen of Yandere. Which is awesome! And she's my favourite character of the whole series. Anyways her diary can predict Yukiteru's fate after 15 minutes.She has killed almost everyone in the whole series. And she's skillful enough to even block thrown knives, maybe even a bullet. Take that Lucy from Elfen Lied, you've met your match. Her weapon of choice is the knife, an axe, a MP5 Navy and the obvious katana. She has promised Yukiteru Amano to protect him with her life. Sad day for fanboys like me. XD

Minene Uryuu aka 9th
She's the anti-heroine of this series, which means that she's neutral and can help anyone or work alone. She's a terrorist because her parents were killed in a bombing accident. (Which is stupid to be honest) She's also a tsundere which means a mean girl but sweet at heart. Well she's kinda cute at times, and she would've been my favourite if it wasn't for Yuno. Her diary is the escape diary, which shows the route to any escape. Good power for a terrorist. She's very good at the bombs and can make bombs too. She lost her left eye because of the dart that was thrown by Yukiteru. She's kinda fond with Nishijima Masumi despite the fact that his a police. They like each other. But Minene likes to pretend hehe. So cute. XD And she kinda remind me of a friend of mine. VJL. Anyways she's quite awesome actually and funny and also badass.

Nishijima to the right. Minene to the left. Their both married and have children in the 3rd universe. Basically there are 1,2,3 universe.

Aru Akise
Yes he has shitloads of fangirls, maybe because of his looks or his attitude. But sadly for them, his a GAY! Yeah he likes Yukiteru Amano. His sorta like the detective to replace Keigo Kurusu (4th). Well his more smarter and better than that backstabbing detective. His a diary holder but his not in the battle royal. But he has a manga or comic about him known as the Mirai Nikki: Paradox. A manga where his the protagonist. His diary is also a detective one like Kurusu's but Akise's one is better. His also the hero of the series. AND he has the BALLS to fucking piss of Yuno.
Now that's BADASS!

                                 Well he kinda f**ked up there because
                     once Yuno gets pissed. Well byebye life.

I'm not going to spoil this whole story for you but well it's quite awesome and you gotta watch it like seriously. Go watch it, because the sub characters are all spoilers and there will be no spoilers on my review got it? Okay! :D

Final Verdict
Legendary (BADASS)

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