Thursday 28 February 2013

Why crying is healthy.

       Nowadays, people are saying that crying is uncool. And that crying makes you look like a baby or a wuss. Well is that what the media thought you? And I was told that crying can cause blindness, what? There is no proof that people cried till they go blind, it's just a gossip that people pick up from the trash and put it up your face. If crying does make people blind. Then why aren't the babies blind yet? Then everyone is would be blind when they were a baby and also all those drama actors would be blind as well. Well you can't prove anything unless it's already scientifically proven. And there is no proof that crying caused anyone to be blind. If so then leave a comment where there is a proof. If there isn't any then that's mean there is NO PROOF. And if you never cried. It's unhealthy and it can cause death because your body has a lot of depression inside. And yes depression is the cause of people suicide. Source:

       Crying is healthy. It's an emotional thing. If you don't cry then your a soulless human who has no feelings for anything. You can cry but don't cry too much over stupid thing like crying because someone scratch your car or took your money. No! You cry when you are emotionally hurt. Like when a person pass away or when the person you love hurts you or that your gonna die or s**t like that. That is absolutely normal. Whoever said that crying is for babies is a person who is stupid and has no feeling for others. Either that or they listen too much to their friends that they think it's uncool. Of course you don't go cry in public because it's kinda embarrassing. It does makes you look like a wuss. So when you cry. Do it in the toilet or where people don't see you cry. That's the best place.

       So what I'm trying to tell you that is, You can cry! But don't cry too much because it's ridiculous if you cry over nothing. Just have like 15 minutes and later you feel alright because your depression somehow disappeared. So cry now, smile later. :D

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