Tuesday 19 March 2013

How to know what your boyfriends really love and care about you.

      Alright! Time to review this shit. I used to put this in my old post but then well I deleted it but now I'm going to raise this topic all over again. I know this would offend some of you and your boyfriend sometime becomes overprotective but please, understand that your boyfriend loves you a lot and they really care. If your boyfriend doesn't care shit about you, maybe it's because your dating a fucking playboy. Well I for one I care about my girl A LOT. And of course I do care about her, and sometimes I may get overprotective, but really I care about her and I'm afraid to lose her. Isn't that right boys?
Alright I'm gonna show you girls if your boyfriends really care about you. First thing's first don't get mad alright.


Alright this is very common and from my last post, is that being jealous is normal. And we guys do trust you girls. Forgive us when we get mad, worried and curious, we care and we are really afraid to lose you. Please understand. :(


This is what all caring boyfriend wants to be yours and yours only, we don't want any guy to be your bestest or closest friend. We want to be your ONLY, and we also don't want to know that there is another guy who knows you more than us. This really hurts to know as a boyfriend. We want to be your bestfriend forever and the best and only lover.


As a boyfriend, I miss my girlfriend a lot and I always wonder if she's okay or not. My heart always feel like I'm missing something and I know it's my girlfriend. I do miss her so much. Even after we walk away. 30 seconds I miss her already. :'( And I'm sure that other boyfriends miss their girlfriend even after 5 minutes.


Alright don't get mad. We guys do get overprotective, but be honest girls, you do too right don't lie. We guys know what other guys want so we are very cautious at this moment. Seriously girls we do what you ask us too, why don't you follow. Yet you get mad at us when we ask you to delete the guy who you think is being "friendly" when his actually flirting. And also if that guy is random you will never know his a rapist because there was A LOT I say I LOT of cases of girls meeting random boys in facebook that got rape.
Here's the proof



We boyfriends do this, we really do want you to be the ONE. We love you so much we give up everything. Even our lives just to be with you. We love you so much that not even pretty girls can make us love them, we love you for who you are and not because of your looks. :')


Okay the picture shows a girl but also we do feel the same, we want you to stay, every moment with you is the most precious time we have and we treasure it for a lifetime.


We guys know you girls hate this shit. But actually to be honest, you really mean a lot to us because you are the best thing that has ever happen. And it hurts when we scold you or when you scold us. Or whenever we argue. We may keep it to ourselves. But also we cry when you cry. Because it's even worst to see the person you love cry.


Is when they say they love you. If a guy says I like you, that means they aren't serious and they don't. But when the he says I love you, and tries look at you in your eyes. And we train ourselves to repeat this words everyday. Because no matter how we do mean it.


You are our will to live and strength. You are our hope. Why? Because you...


Yes we do want you to be with us forever. We don't want space in our lives. We need you. :'(

Well there is actually more, but I want you all to find out by yourselves. Because you'll never know that someday we will be kneeling down infront of you, taking a big steps in our lives to marry you someday. Because we want you are already the love of our lives and play as a big part of our lives in our new family. Thank you. :)

Monday 11 March 2013

Ah Beng! Ah Lian! AND UCHAKS!!

 Ah the commoners in Sarawak.Ah Bengs, Ah Lians and Uchaks are known to be scumbags and low-lifes of the city. Ah Bengs are known as Gangster wannabes, Ah Lians are the girl versions of Ah Bengs, Uchaks are Hipsters, or as I call them, "Douchebag tightjeans rubbish of the street". Ah bengs and Ah Lians are usually chinese, On the other hand Uchaks are usually Bumiputera usually Ibans and Malays and other gay looking locals.  Uchaks are usually found at large Shopping Malls, big fields playing football, Cyber Cafes or at the village where they belong whileast Ah Bengs and Ah Lians are usually found at Clubbing or Pubs, Shopping malls, Cyber Cafes, Streets or even at School.

 The difference the have. Ah Bengs love their car. They love it more than they love their Ah Lians.  They also like to spend time at Cyber Cafes, playing DotA or LOL or HON or other online games, and they claim to be a great gamers (Gamers my ass, I can beat you in game in just a snap, yes I'm a legendary gamer or used to but I hadn't lost my touch). They usually use Kancils and Kenari.



Alright that's actually my L lesson car. Joking. Well mostly this would happen because they love to show off on the roads. And they even love to show off and try to look good in public. Here's a good example of an Ah Beng.


Yes they look like douchebags as well and act like one as well, though this one is a friendly Ah Beng XD. HAHAH SORRY DUDE!! But most Ah Bengs like to act tough and somehow unfriendly sometimes. And well now for the Ah Lians.

 Ah Lians are bitches for the Ah bengs and they love to go clubbing at night. Which makes them sluts. And they like to act tough and they insult and talk bad about other girls who look prettier. (COUGH GC) They like to go shopping like usual girls but they dress up in short pants and short skirt, don't know why but your not attracting anyone except for the Uchaks. They are bitches with bad attitude but they are very sweet to guys that they like. My first ex was like that, by personal experience. XD (Please don't hit me)

I would love to put a picture of an Ah Lian but there's too much Ah Lians that knows me here so yeah. They'll beat the shit out of me if I did put any of them here. Well you can find them on fb. Best example would be Angela Lau or whatever that Malay name of hers. But damn girl you be haters gonna hate.

Now for the UCHAKS!!
Uchaks are known as Low-lived hipster who love to disturb girls, cause troubles and smoke. They are usually Malay and Ibans and also those Bruneians "Malays" (I don't know what you call them). They think their very cool and they like to travel in groups. They all like to wear their sisters clothing, I don't know why maybe it's their fetish or something. They like to disturb girls. They think their handsome of course. But actually they look like SHIT!! Yes I'm not gonna cover that because it's true. Their attitude is annoying and their IQ is so low that they make an ostrich look like Einstein.They tend to look around girls and if your a girl, I advice you, don't ever wear short pants or mini skirts. This guys will creep you from a far just to see your panties. They are cowards alone but talk big in groups. Yet they are weak. They love and follow Justin Bieber and treat him as an Idol and even follow his stupid gay style, being a douchebag. They can't afford anything, they'll ask and beg for money from their parents a lot and they're lazy to work. The reason I hate bands is because Uchaks are also in bands and their songs are like shit that even Rebecca Black's Friday were pleasant to my ears when I heard Uchak songs. They live in villages and they use motors. They really hate chinese when their the racist ones. And they like to complain and talk bad about others. Most of this bunch are founded at Parkson if your in Miri. Abolish this scum.

Well I've been around and tbh Ah Bengs and Ah Lians are more friendly than Uchaks. Well I did end up in an Ah beng school. And well I had a past with Ah Lians when I was form 2 and 3 (Most of them had crush on me and I was scared but thank God they all don't now) And yeah Ah Bengs and Ah lians are better than Uchaks. :)

Saturday 2 March 2013

TLSH My love ~

   Today's a very special day because it's my girlfriends birthday. Well we're not celebrating today we will be celebrating it on the 16 March. I'm so looking forward for that day. Going to Parkson. Yeay! Happy birthday my love TLSH, I love you so soo muchh. It's almost our 1 year anniversary. I'm so happy. Well we skyped for the whole day today. Well there was a lot of connection problem and sometimes there was a blackout which was annoying. >.<

    But I get to spend today with my girl. Oh my gosh time flies really fast when your having fun. I really enjoy my time with her everyday. <3 Btw I saw her in her pink pjs. SHE LOOKS SOO CUTEE!! AAAAAAHHHHH! XO X)) God bless you my love, I love you ~ X) <3

Friday 1 March 2013

Life ~

    I feel so energetic today after my mum gave me a special coffee, it taste was soo awesoommee. XO
Well today was really a lucky day, my friend played cards and I got blackjack and doubles a lot! XD My McD visit today was also amazing see me burger!!

 I was eating it like a monster because it was SO DELICIOUSS!! YUM YUM!! XD I guess business in McD getting better now. I bought this one near the Colombia Asia Hospital Petronas Station. :D

I'm gonna stay up tonight to wish my girl happy birthday ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TLSH!! I love you ~ (Even early) X) And what's awesome on this month is her birthday and we got together on the 14 March so yeah! It's going to be like our 1 year. I'm so happy. ^w^

Thursday 28 February 2013

Jealousy and trust. And a little Dear you to TLSH ~

      Alright jealousy, jealousy can mean anything. Like you being jealous of seeing others being better at you at something. Or seeing a guy/girl walking with your crush or girl/boyfriend. Being jealous is not childish. If you said it was, then f**k you. Jealousy is envy, it is an emotion. It is can't be controlled like when your crying. Alright, try to hold your tears when I punch you in the balls. Can you control it? NO! It's an emotion. Whoever said it was childish is a person who doesn't care about there lovers and just need an excuse to go out with other people. Yeah right so much for trust.

    Now I got offended when someone says that I was jealous of guys talking with my girlfriend. How do you feel when I go talk to YOUR girlfriend ALONE?! Did you know that JEALOUSY is the thing that created TRUST not the other way around? It's not childish. No it's that your lover is just making excuses.
   Jealousy is the feeling you get when your afraid. Your afraid to lose someone whom you want to be a really love. You don't want anyone else taking him/her away. It's like what my girlfriend used to say, it's not jealousy it's called I don't want to lose you. That was really sweet. I really don't like it when her friends said it was inmature. That was bullshit. To be honest, I am still jealous when I see guys walking or talking with my girl. I mean if you have a girlfriend or boyfriend one day, you'll surely feel the same. You'd hate that he/she smile to that other person. But learning to trust takes time and patience. And it will hurt. And someday if your really unlucky it will sting you like a bee. It won't sting you physically, but your heart will get hurt. It will, this is in every relationship. There's no such thing as a serious relationship without jealousy. It will always be there, and if your girlfriend or boyfriend is jealous. Be proud to have him/her. Because they are afraid to lose you and you learn that too.

    And I really wish I can say this to my girlfriend that I'm really happy and proud to have you as my girl. You really mean the world to me, I even gave you my own half of myself. And of course I do get jealous at times but I trust you, I trust you a lot. I don't need space. I've try my best to see you everytime. You just don't see that, like how my parents don't see me studying when I am. I'll always be yours if you are willing to be mine always, I prayed everyday for you and I hope you won't go back to that place, I know bad things will happen to you and bad people will influence you if you go, I just hope you can stay here with me, I'm sorry for the bad things and the times I made you cry. I know that you and I are far apart and can't meet that much know that I'll always love you ~

Why crying is healthy.

       Nowadays, people are saying that crying is uncool. And that crying makes you look like a baby or a wuss. Well is that what the media thought you? And I was told that crying can cause blindness, what? There is no proof that people cried till they go blind, it's just a gossip that people pick up from the trash and put it up your face. If crying does make people blind. Then why aren't the babies blind yet? Then everyone is would be blind when they were a baby and also all those drama actors would be blind as well. Well you can't prove anything unless it's already scientifically proven. And there is no proof that crying caused anyone to be blind. If so then leave a comment where there is a proof. If there isn't any then that's mean there is NO PROOF. And if you never cried. It's unhealthy and it can cause death because your body has a lot of depression inside. And yes depression is the cause of people suicide. Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001941/

       Crying is healthy. It's an emotional thing. If you don't cry then your a soulless human who has no feelings for anything. You can cry but don't cry too much over stupid thing like crying because someone scratch your car or took your money. No! You cry when you are emotionally hurt. Like when a person pass away or when the person you love hurts you or that your gonna die or s**t like that. That is absolutely normal. Whoever said that crying is for babies is a person who is stupid and has no feeling for others. Either that or they listen too much to their friends that they think it's uncool. Of course you don't go cry in public because it's kinda embarrassing. It does makes you look like a wuss. So when you cry. Do it in the toilet or where people don't see you cry. That's the best place.

       So what I'm trying to tell you that is, You can cry! But don't cry too much because it's ridiculous if you cry over nothing. Just have like 15 minutes and later you feel alright because your depression somehow disappeared. So cry now, smile later. :D

Thursday 21 February 2013

Riam Road Extravanganza Review

         Alright here's my review of the Riam Road Extravanganza concerts. Last year, was really, really HORRIBLE! The whole concerts was nothing else but dancing! (Pom Pom was acceptable because it's a cheerleading dance so yeah) But imagine the whole concert. Is DANCE DANCE DANCE! Especially the now form 4 and 5. Oh my God their dance was horrible that I nearly wanted to throw my shoe at the dancers face. I mean it's all the same. No changes what-so-ever.Well at least the Brass band percussion (The drummers performance) was okay. But the Brass Band itself wasn't really good because the music hasn't change for like 6 years since I've been there.

         Furthermore, the English drama has the most horrible audio ever. Did you recorded it with a pair of phones. The sound was so horrible that I couldn't even watch it. The Live band was alright though. I didn't really like the songs because it wasn't that special. I've been hearing it since like all the bands. Moreover, there's a lot of dancing. In fact, TOO MUCH DANCING. It was horrible. Doing the same thing. The song gave me a headache. I wasn't impressed of the Alfred Ho dancing because I've seen it a lot and it was a bit cliched. 

       On the other hand, the best performance was the Chinese Drama, it was good, even if I didn't understand it, I still laugh because of the Blue disc and Gold disc thing. But then it I didn't understand the whole show. Sorry to say that. But props to whoever made the script good. But after that everything was dumbed down. Back to more dancing. Which was BORING! Even the one that was performed by the last year Form 4, now the Form 5.

      In my opinion, the concert was inorganized, TOO MUCH DANCING, and less performance or quality. My God I really hope this year would be better. Stop putting TOO MUCH DANCING, just leave that for the Pom Poms and the Cheerleaders because they're the ones who are supposed to be dancing. Not the faggots of Form 4 and Form 5. Organize their schedule. No more early performance before the whole show starts. Better sound speakers for the English drama. And last but not the least.Seriously Form 4 and Form 5 NO MORE! Your orientation dance was horrible. It's just clap here clap there. No fun at all. I really hope that this years concert will be better than last year. Sorry if I offended any one of you. I'm just saying that you should improve and NO MORE ADDING TOO MUCH DANCING. That is all. :)